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Past Gallery Exhibitions...

Gaia's Sentinels

Gaia’s Sentinels depict sacred or meaningful land stewarded by Kentucky women. Teresa wanted to highlight women who steward large tracts of public or private land—be it as a farmer, land manager, scientist, forester or private landowner in Kentucky. I traveled to each location chosen by the steward, and sat with them as they spoke about their experiences on that land. These women were generous with their time and extraordinary in their wisdom. Their intimate knowledge of the land taught me so much and the connection they have with the land feels vital and authentic.

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Moments in Liminality

Reflections on the significance of insignificance.
Finding the puzzle pieces of each day that are crucial to the movement of our lives yet often go unnoticed or without praise.
I'd like my photographic work to shift perspectives in ways that celebrate those overlooked moments.
The spaces between, non-momentous, yet miraculous.

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